Card NFT Gallery in Gemz

Game Card Image

NFT Gallery

Card tab Services
Upgrade cost up to LvL 21 3,773,217
Income per hour at LvL 21 20,710 per hour
Payback at LvL 21 7.6 days

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Card Upgrade Levels Table: NFT Gallery

This table provides data on the upgrade costs of the NFT Gallery card from the category Services for each level. It includes information on hourly income and payback period.

LevelUpgrade CostHourly ProfitPayback (hours/days)
191000640014 hours / 0.6 days
2100100390257 hours / 10.7 days
3106106410259 hours / 10.8 days
4112472440256 hours / 10.7 days
5119220460259 hours / 10.8 days
6126373490258 hours / 10.8 days
7133955520258 hours / 10.8 days
8141992550258 hours / 10.8 days
9150512580260 hours / 10.8 days
10159543620257 hours / 10.7 days
11169116660256 hours / 10.7 days
12179263700256 hours / 10.7 days
13190019740257 hours / 10.7 days
14201420780258 hours / 10.8 days
15213505830257 hours / 10.7 days
16226315880257 hours / 10.7 days
17239894930258 hours / 10.8 days
18254288990257 hours / 10.7 days
192695451050257 hours / 10.7 days
202857181110257 hours / 10.7 days
213028611180257 hours / 10.7 days
223210331250257 hours / 10.7 days
233402951320258 hours / 10.8 days
243607131400258 hours / 10.8 days
253823561490257 hours / 10.7 days
264052971580257 hours / 10.7 days
274296151670257 hours / 10.7 days
284553921770257 hours / 10.7 days
294827161880257 hours / 10.7 days
305116791990257 hours / 10.7 days
315423802110257 hours / 10.7 days

Data for the card levels of NFT Gallery is still being updated. We are adding new data daily.

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