Card Hardware Hacker in Gemz

Game Card Image

Hardware Hacker

Card tab Workers
Upgrade cost up to LvL 21 1,658,566
Income per hour at LvL 21 8,580 per hour
Payback at LvL 21 8.1 days

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Card Upgrade Levels Table: Hardware Hacker

This table provides data on the upgrade costs of the Hardware Hacker card from the category Workers for each level. It includes information on hourly income and payback period.

LevelUpgrade CostHourly ProfitPayback (hours/days)
140000262015 hours / 0.6 days
244000160275 hours / 11.5 days
346640170274 hours / 11.4 days
449438180275 hours / 11.5 days
552404190276 hours / 11.5 days
655548200278 hours / 11.6 days
758881220268 hours / 11.2 days
862414230271 hours / 11.3 days
966159240276 hours / 11.5 days
1070129260270 hours / 11.3 days
1174337270275 hours / 11.5 days
1278797290272 hours / 11.3 days
1383525310269 hours / 11.2 days
1488537330268 hours / 11.2 days
1593849350268 hours / 11.2 days
1699480370269 hours / 11.2 days
17105449390270 hours / 11.3 days
18111776410273 hours / 11.4 days
19118483440269 hours / 11.2 days
20125592460273 hours / 11.4 days
21133128490272 hours / 11.3 days
22141116520271 hours / 11.3 days
23149583550272 hours / 11.3 days
24158558580273 hours / 11.4 days
25168071620271 hours / 11.3 days
26178155660270 hours / 11.3 days
27188844700270 hours / 11.3 days
28200175740271 hours / 11.3 days
29212186780272 hours / 11.3 days
30224917830271 hours / 11.3 days
31238412880271 hours / 11.3 days

Data for the card levels of Hardware Hacker is still being updated. We are adding new data daily.

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