Card Reclusive Backend Developer in Gemz

Game Card Image

Reclusive Backend Developer

Card tab Workers
Upgrade cost up to LvL 21 4,146,417
Income per hour at LvL 21 21,800 per hour
Payback at LvL 21 7.9 days

How to unlock the card Reclusive Backend Developer

To unlock the card Reclusive Backend Developer, you need to invite 5 friends to the game using your referral link.

Card Upgrade Levels Table: Reclusive Backend Developer

This table provides data on the upgrade costs of the Reclusive Backend Developer card from the category Workers for each level. It includes information on hourly income and payback period.

LevelUpgrade CostHourly ProfitPayback (hours/days)
1100000674015 hours / 0.6 days
2110000410268 hours / 11.2 days
3116600430271 hours / 11.3 days
4123596460269 hours / 11.2 days
5131012490267 hours / 11.1 days
6138873520267 hours / 11.1 days
7147205550268 hours / 11.2 days
8156037580269 hours / 11.2 days
9165399620267 hours / 11.1 days
10175323650270 hours / 11.3 days
11185842690269 hours / 11.2 days
12196993730270 hours / 11.3 days
13208813780268 hours / 11.2 days
14221342820270 hours / 11.3 days
15234623870270 hours / 11.3 days
16248700930267 hours / 11.1 days
17263622980269 hours / 11.2 days
182794391040269 hours / 11.2 days
192962051100269 hours / 11.2 days
203139771170268 hours / 11.2 days
213328161240268 hours / 11.2 days

Data for the card levels of Reclusive Backend Developer is still being updated. We are adding new data daily.

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